Building & Deploying High-Performing Cross-Platform iOS & Android Apps for your Business.


Mobile Application Development is a hot topic in the market, and it is attracting the attention of many. It is because mobile apps have become extremely important for businesses today with over 90% of all web traffic coming from mobile devices.

Companies can offer their products and services more easily and directly through mobile app development. Users have immediate access to the whole product and service catalog of a company.

Another advantage of mobile development is the ability to communicate with your customers via notifications. Businesses can also figure out what their customers want and need and then design products to satisfy those needs.

Effective mobile app development requires a deep understanding of user behavior and preferences, as well as technical skills in programming and design. It also requires an agile and iterative approach to development, as mobile apps are constantly evolving and must be updated to keep up with the changing needs and expectations of users.

To ensure efficacy, it is usually preferable to contact an app development company such as PQube Business Solutions



A mobile application is an application that runs on your smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile apps can be installed on devices through an app store.

A mobile app is typically made up of two parts: (1) code, which includes all the information needed for you to create your app; and (2) assets like images, videos, audio files, and more that make up the user interface for your product or service.

Image Credit:Freepik


History of mobile apps

Since IBM unveiled the first smartphone in 1993, mobile applications have gone a long way.

The Simon Personal Communicator was a powerful device that allowed users to send and receive faxes while on the road.

However, it wasn\’t until the early 2000s that mobile gaming gained popularity, with games like Snake attracting the interest of people all over the world.

Apple launched the App Store in 2008, revolutionising the world of mobile applications. Thousands of apps were suddenly available for download, allowing users to do everything from checking the weather to finding friends.

However, the sheer number of available apps made it tough to identify good ones among the mediocrity.

In 2008, Google launched its very own Android OS which became an instant hit among users because of its ease of use and low cost compared to other operating systems like iOS or Windows Phone 7/8 which were not yet available at that time!

The first successful example of mobile app development was Brick Breaker by Ocean Software Ltd., released in 1983 for Atari 2600 video game console system; it was later ported onto several other platforms including Commodore 64 home computers system although these versions didn\’t perform quite well due lack poor graphics capabilities compared with more powerful devices such as PCs, etc…




Image Credit: PQube

Mobile apps are necessary for modern businesses because they provide several key benefits, including:

Increased Accessibility: Mobile apps allow businesses to reach customers at any time and from anywhere, providing them with quick and convenient access to information, products, and services.

Improved Customer Engagement: Mobile apps allow businesses to interact with customers in a more personalized and interactive way, improving customer engagement and building brand loyalty.

Better Customer Insights: Mobile apps can provide businesses with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.

Increased Efficiency: Mobile apps can streamline internal processes, reducing administrative overhead and improving productivity.

Increased Sales and Revenues: By making products and services easily accessible, mobile apps can drive increased sales and revenue for businesses.

Competitive Advantage: Mobile apps provide businesses with a competitive advantage by enabling them to offer unique, differentiated experiences to their customers.

They also allow businesses to personalize their content based on user preferences; this means they can provide more value-added services such as customizing an order or suggesting an ideal time frame for delivery (based on location) without having any technical knowledge necessary at all!

In conclusion, having a mobile app is crucial for modern businesses as it helps them stay connected with their customers, provides them with valuable insights, and increases their efficiency, sales, and revenue.

Accelerating Progress with Proven Tools and Frameworks

We use tools and frameworks to make our lives easier. These tools and frameworks help us develop cross-platform apps quickly, which is why they are so useful to use in the development process.

We use Flutter, Ionic, React, Xamarin, ASP. Net, Angular, Elastic, and SQL Server.


importance of Tools and Frameworks

The first reason is that they allow you to concentrate on developing your app while they handle all of the tedious tasks like error handling, logging, synchronization, etc. This means that instead of spending all day fixing bugs after each change you can focus on writing code without worrying about errors or other related problems.

The second reason is that these tools and frameworks save time because they automate certain parts of building an app like compiling source code into an executable file or packaging up an application bundle for distribution across various platforms like iOS devices (iPhone / iPad), and Android tablets/phones. 

Expand your mobile horizons with the most advanced application types

·       Business Apps – These apps are designed to help with business-related tasks including
expense monitoring, project management, and inventory management.

·       Entertainment Apps – These apps, such as music, video, and game apps, are developed for
entertainment purposes.

Lifestyle Apps – Fitness, health, and travel apps are examples of
lifestyle applications that help users manage their everyday activities and

·       Education Apps These apps are intended for educational reasons such
as language instruction, exam preparation, and e-books.

·       Social networking apps
Instagram, and Snapchat, are built for social interaction and communication.

·       News and Magazine Apps – These apps are designed to provide users with the most
up-to-date news and information on a variety of topics, including politics,
sports, and technology.

·       Utility Apps – Weather forecasts, calculators, and flashlight apps, are built to
fulfil certain functions.

·       E-commerce Apps – These apps are intended for online shopping sites such as Amazon and

ios application development


iOS development is a process where you create an application that can be installed on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The iOS SDK provides tools to help you develop your app.

The Objective-C language was created by Apple Inc., and it is the main programming language used for writing apps for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch platforms.

You can use this software development kit (SDK) to build native apps for iOS devices running on Mac OS X or Windows XP/Vista/7 computers running Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or a higher version of Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment).



Android is an open-source mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel. Android os is used in smartphones, tablet computers, and other mobile devices.

It\’s the most popular operating system for mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers.

Cross-Platform Development

Cross-platform development is the process of building an application that can run on multiple platforms. By allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple operating systems, cross-platform development helps you develop apps that seamlessly connect with your users\’ devices. It\’s also known as cross-platform software development.

Because there are so many different kinds of devices out there in the world today–including phones, tablets, and computers–your app needs to be able to work on all of them if you want people to use it regularly. And since most users aren\’t going to stick with one device for their entire life (and might switch between different types), adding support for all these devices at once isn\’t feasible either way:

You need some kind of solution that will allow developers to write once but deploy everywhere without having them rewrite every single line of code again every time they want their product updated!

Latest Trends in Mobile App Development

The mobile app industry is experiencing a boom right now. With constant innovation and development, you can expect to see new trends emerge in the coming years. Here are some of the most popular ones:


AI and machine learning:

AI allows machines to learn by themselves and make use of data from massive amounts of data sets. It\’s used in many fields like healthcare, transportation, etc., but it has also become popular among developers who want their apps to be smarter than ever before.

Augmented reality (AR): 

AR aims at enhancing the user experience by overlaying digital content over real-world views using cameras or other sensors like lasers that track your position in space so that you can interact with objects on the screen without having them physically present nearby!

AR has the potential to revolutionize the way mobile apps are designed and used.

It can enhance user engagement, provide new levels of interactivity, and create innovative experiences that were not possible before.

 Image Credit: Designed by Freepik


Blockchain: Blockchain technology is being used to create secure, decentralized mobile apps that offer improved security and transparency for users.

Cloud computing: Cloud computing is being used to build mobile apps that can store and process large amounts of data and provide high levels of scalability and reliability.

These technologies are constantly evolving and being improved, and new technologies are being introduced all the time. The latest technology used for mobile application development will depend on the specific needs and requirements of each project.



Personalization in mobile app development can be accomplished using a combination of user data collecting, machine learning algorithms, and user-defined preferences.

Demographics, usage patterns, and behavior data from users can be utilized to create a user profile, which can subsequently be used to deliver personalized information and experiences.

Personalization can be applied to a mobile app\’s home screen, push notifications, news feed, and search results, among other places. 

Image Credit:Nike

Our Approach and Methodology


Image Credit: PQube

At PQube, our approach and methodology are simple: we build cross-platform apps for your company. Our team of experts includes iOS and Android developers who can build any type of app you need–from simple games to complex enterprise solutions.

We also have an experienced operations team that can help you scale your business if it grows to the point where you need more resources or infrastructure than what\’s available onsite in the office.


Image Credit: tristatetechnology


Mobile apps have become a necessity for any business and there are plenty of options available in the market. But choosing the right mobile app development company can be a very difficult task.

Many factors play an important role in building cross-platform apps like how experienced the developers are, how much time they take to build your project, and so on. So, if you want to hire top-notch iOS & Android App Developers then we recommend you go through our in-depth process before hiring any other team.

In conclusion, developing a high-performing cross-platform app requires careful consideration of several key factors. By keeping these in mind during the development process, you can create an app that will provide a great user experience and reach a wider audience. So, whether you\’re just starting or looking to update your existing app, consider building and deploying a cross-platform app for your business today.

Talk to us today and get a FREE Consultation.

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