Importance of Mobile App Testing | Mobile App Testing Steps | App Testing Tools

Every mobile app requires a testing process because it filters out possible errors before the launch. Not all mobile apps are known to function perfectly because of bugs. Know the importance of mobile app testing because it helps you in increasing performance and productivity.

We have passed through the generation of using websites to find information from computers. The modern-day mobile phones AKA smartphones provide a comfortable way of accessing websites easily. Mobile apps take one more leap ahead by offering a convenient way of accessing information.


Mobile App testing Steps

Phase 1: Planning

Planning is the first phase of App testing because it is necessary to organise the rest of the process. Right after the development process completes, you can make a list of steps that help in figuring out the strategy to look for possible bugs in different areas. 

Phase 2: Identify Testing Types

It is a known fact that there are plenty of testing activities that are conducted in general. Therefore, identifying the testing type is a crucial factor to start the activity effectively. Some of the common testing types include usability, performance, Security, Functional, compatibility and so on.

Phase 3: Test Case and Script Design

It is advised to prepare a test case document for every option and a feature. Hence, it is important to play around with a combination of both automation and manual testing to ensure a safe transition. test case and script design is an essential task because it gives a proper pathway to complete the testing activity.

Phase 4: Manual and Automated Testing

After scripting the entire document and design, it is time to start the activity by determining the actual requirement. So, it is recommended to execute with both manual and automation testing processes. Basic functionalities and features are being tested using both manual and automated testing techniques.

Phase 5: Usability and Beta Testing

Usability testing is one of the important factors to consider because it directly taps the customer experience report easily. The usability and beta testing provide access to a few people, who can try out the live application with all possible features. This helps in finding any bugs related to navigation, UI, compatibility, Accessibility and so on.

Phase 6: Performance Testing

Every app comes with a set of features and options to utilize. The performance of the app is based on how all the functionalities are performing. Checking out performance testing plays a crucial role because it helps in finding bugs related to battery consumption, responsiveness and so on..


Phase 7: Security and Compliance Testing

Security and data privacy is a crucial step in the process especially for eCommerce applications in the market. Security and data breach can happen in other applications because it is directly connected to the phone. Going through security and compliance testing is important because it could lead to a ban in a few countries, which results in losing your customers or users.

Phase 8: Device Testing

We all know that there are multiple devices found in the market now. Catering services to every device helps you gain more attention from users over time. The standard of the app is determined based on their flexibility. An efficient device testing helps you easily gain reputation and users.

Phase 9: Control and Summary

A detailed review would be provided and read through to understand every part of testing effectively. The summary of all phases and testing activities provides a fair score for the app in different directions. Hence, this helps in fixing important bugs that could help in building performance before launching the application.

Mobile app testing tools

There is a wide range of mobile app testing tools available in the market and there are new apps taking birth because of a huge requirement. Therefore, people need to know and understand the actual requirement before listing out the tool to use.


Selenium is one of the common tools used by testers for a long time. The paid tool provides a series of features and benefits for people to use from time to time. Every tester prefers using Selenium over other alternative apps because of quality and efficiency.


The tool is designed specifically for User interface automation testing. The tool helps you in maintaining test scripts written for mobile, web and desktop applications. The test coverage from the tool lets you enjoy a detailed report to eliminate all possible bugs quickly.


The mobile experience platform from kobiton offers a huge benefit especially for testing mobile applications. Unlike other platforms, this is just not a mobile testing platform because it offers more than what it says. The app gives more than 350 devices to check in terms of all possible factors.


Calabash is one of the commonly used applications by testers because of the open-source option. The open-source automation testing tool is designed to work with both android and IOS apps efficiently. Therefore, the versatility and the friendly interface attracts a lot of testers to use from time to time.


One more open source testing to the list and this time it is Appium. As the name says, the tool is specialized in offering app testing platforms. The cross-platform application is designed to work on MAC and Windows platforms with an array of Linux distributions. Therefore the app has found its respect and is being used by many testers.

Monkey Talk

Monkey Talk is an IOS and Android testing tool, which is also an open-source testing platform. The app comes with a special feature to save IDE and the scripts properly. The easy to set up options in the app have made the testers\’ life easier while using it on a day to day basis.



Testing an application is a mandatory activity if you are looking forward to promoting or reaching out in different ways. There is no way that an app completes at the stage of development because of bugs and errors. A perfect app testing offers a cleanroom to eliminate all bugs without compromising on the quality. 

PQUBEis one of the reputed organizations that provide app development and testing services for different kinds of applications. Our range of services is tailored to cater to the needs of every requirement. Do Contact us to have a fair idea and a free consultation on your necessity because it helps you save money and provide the right path.

Img Source – Freepik

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